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Things are changing at CSS Wizardry

Written by on CSS Wizardry.

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Things are changing… but not much, thankfully. In light of a culmination of recent events, I have decided to start advertising on CSS Wizardry. Not spammy, unmoderated Google ads, or intrusive, unrelated and pointless ones, but single, exclusive ads reserved for one advertiser per month and for only £150. Here’s why, after three years, I’ve made that decision…

The timing is handy. CSS Wizardry has just broken the 50,000 visitors-in-30-days milestone and its associated Twitter account has just exceeded 2,500 followers. These followers include some of the industry’s most esteemed individuals.

You may be familiar with this recent article about CSS Wizardry’s content and getting things for free. Well it’s true, I put a lot of effort into writing articles here and, if recent traffic and follower counts are anything to go by, you guys seem to enjoy them. I love this, this is what keeps me writing, I just love doing it. However, whilst I don’t mind the time cost, there is the financial cost of maintaining CSS Wizardry. Next month I get the £xxx.xx bill for a year’s hosting and although I’m more than happy to pay it, it will be coming out of my salaried pay-packet.

So I’ve decided that it’s time to attempt to monetise CSS Wizardry. Ads will not be expensive, as they don’t need to be. They will not be spammy, because I don’t want them to be. There will not be multitudes of them, because I’m sure you don’t want there to be.

An ad appears throughout the CSS Wizardry blog and associated pages for one calendar month, it is the same ad, and it’s yours and yours only; no other ads appear alongside yours at all.

If you, or someone you know, are interested then see the advertising page and drop me an email. This is all very informal, I hope the price is okay but feel free to enquire about special/bulk-buying offers.

This month’s advertiser is Dealpond, a site I’ve used myself on a number of occasions when looking for the best prices on books, electronics and gadgets.

Fingers crossed that this new strategy takes off and I hope it won’t alienate readers not used to ads. I’ve tried to do this in the most classy way possible!

By Harry Roberts

Harry Roberts is an independent consultant web performance engineer. He helps companies of all shapes and sizes find and fix site speed issues.

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Hi there, I’m Harry Roberts. I am an award-winning Consultant Web Performance Engineer, designer, developer, writer, and speaker from the UK. I write, Tweet, speak, and share code about measuring and improving site-speed. You should hire me.

You can now find me on Mastodon.

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I am available for hire to consult, advise, and develop with passionate product teams across the globe.

I specialise in large, product-based projects where performance, scalability, and maintainability are paramount.