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Correctly Configure (Pre) Connections

Written by on CSS Wizardry.

Table of Contents
  1. Learn by Example
  2. Working Out Which Origins to preconnect
  3. Don’t preconnect Too Many Origins
  4. When to Use crossorigin
    1. Sec-* Request Headers
  5. preconnect and DNS

A trivial performance optimisation to help speed up third-party or other-origin requests is to preconnect them: hint that the browser should preemptively open a full connection (DNS, TCP, TLS) to the origin in question, for example:

<link rel=preconnect href=>

In the right circumstances, this simple, single line of HTML can make pages hundreds of milliseconds faster! But time and again, I see developers misconfiguring even this most basic of features. Because, as is often the case, there’s much more to this ‘basic feature’ than meets the eye. Let’s dive in…

Learn by Example

At the time of writing, the BBC News homepage (in the UK, at least) has these four preconnects defined early in the <head>:

<link rel=preconnect href=// crossorigin>
<link rel=preconnect href=// crossorigin>
<link rel=preconnect href=// crossorigin>
<link rel=preconnect href=// crossorigin>

Readers on narrow screens should know that each of these preconnects also carries a crossorigin attribute—scroll along to see for yourself!

Note that the BBC use schemeless URLs (i.e. href=//…). I would not recommend doing this. Always force HTTPS when it’s available.

Having consulted for the BBC a number of times, I know that they make heavy use of internal subdomains to share resources across teams. While this suits developer ergonomics, it’s not great for performance, particularly in cases where the subdomain in question is on the critical path. Warming up connections to important origins is a must for the BBC.

However, a look at a waterfall tells me that none of these preconnects worked!

Above, you can see that the browser discovered references to each of these origins in the first chunk of HTML, before the 1-second mark. This is evidenced by the light white bars that denote ‘waiting’ time—the browser knows it needs the files, but is waiting to dispatch the requests. However, we can also see that the browser didn’t begin network negotiation until closer to the 1.5-second mark, when we begin seeing a tiny slither of green—DNS—followed by the much more costly TCP and TLS. What went wrong?!

Working Out Which Origins to preconnect

In the example above, we have five connections to the following four domains (more on that later):

  • On the critical path with render-blocking CSS.
  • On the critical path with render-blocking CSS and JS.
  • On the critical path with render-blocking CSS.
    • The screenshot above marks the CSS as non-blocking because of the way it’s fetched—it’s preloaded, which is non-blocking, but it’s then conditionally applied to the page using document.write() (which is its own performance faux pas in itself).
  • Not on the critical path, but does host the homepage’s LCP element.

N.B. For neatness, I am omitting the https:// from written prose, but it is vital that you include the relevant scheme in your href attribute. All code examples are complete and correct.

Each of these four origins is vital to the page, so all four would be candidates for preconnect. However, the BBC aren’t attempting to preconnect at all; instead, they’re preconnecting, which is also used, but isn’t on the critical path. This feels more like a simple oversight or a typo than anything else.

As a rule, if the origin is important to the page and is used within the first five seconds of the page-load lifecycle, preconnect it. If the origin is not important, don’t preconnect it; if it is important but is used more than five seconds into the page load lifecycle, your priority should be moving it sooner.

Note that important is very subjective. Your analytics isn’t important; your chat client isn’t important. Your consent management platform is important; your image CDN is important.

One easy way to get an overview of early and important origins—and the method I use when advising clients—is to use WebPageTest. Once you’ve run a test, you can head to a Connection View of the waterfall which shows a diagram comprising entries per origin, not per response:

Note that some connections are actually shared across more than one domain: this is HTTP2’s connection coalescence, available when origins share the same IP address and certificates.

As easy as that—that’s your list of potential origins!

Don’t preconnect Too Many Origins

preconnect should be used sparingly. Connection overhead isn’t huge, but too many preconnects that either a) aren’t critical, or b) don’t get used at all, is definitely wasteful.

Flooding the network with unnecessary preconnects early in the page load lifecycle can steal valuable bandwidth that could have been given to more important resources—the overhead of certificates alone can exceed 3KB. Further, opening and persisting connections has a CPU overhead on both the client and the server. Lastly, Chrome will close a connection if it isn’t used within the first 10 seconds of being opened, so if you act too soon, you might end up doing it all over again anyway.

With preconnect, you should strive for as few as possible but as many as necessary. In fact, I would consider too many preconnects a code smell, and you probably ought to solve larger issues like self-hosting your static assets and reducing reliance on third parties in general.

When to Use crossorigin

Okay. Now it’s time to learn why the BBC’s preconnects weren’t working!

This is the third time I’ve seen this problem this month (and we’re only nine days in…). It stems from a misunderstanding around when to use crossorigin. I get the impression that developers think ‘this request is going to another origin, so it must need the crossorigin attribute’. But that’s not what the attribute is for—crossorigin is used to define the CORS policy for the request. crossorigin=anonymous (or a bare crossorigin attribute) will never exchange any user credentials (e.g. cookies); crossorigin=use-credentials will always exchange credentials. Unless you know that you need it, you almost never need the latter. But when do we use the former?

If the resulting request for a file would be CORS-enabled, you would need crossorigin on the corresponding preconnect. Unfortunately, CORS isn’t the most straightforward thing in the world. Fortunately, I have a shortcut…

Firstly, identify a file on the origin that you’re considering preconnecting. For example, let’s take a look at the BBC’s box.css. In DevTools (or WebPageTest if you already have one available—you don’t need to run one just for this task), look at the resource’s request headers:

There it is right there: Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors.

The preconnect for doesn’t currently (I’ll come back to that shortly) need a crossorigin attribute:

<link rel=preconnect href=>

Let’s look at another request. orbit-v5-ltr.min.css from also carries a Sec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors request header, so that won’t need crossorigin either:

<link rel=preconnect href=>
<link rel=preconnect href=>

Let’s keep looking.

How about the font BBCReithSans_W_Rg.woff2 also from

Hmm. This does need crossorigin as it’s marked Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors. What do we do here?


<link rel=preconnect href=>
<link rel=preconnect href=>
<link rel=preconnect href= crossorigin>

We just add a second preconnect to open an additional CORS-enabled connection to (Remember earlier when the browser had opened five connections to four origins? One of them was CORS-enabled!)

Let’s keep going and see where we end up…

As it stands, the very specific example of the homepage right now, needs the following preconnects. Notice that all origins didn’t need crossorigin, except which needed both:

<link rel=preconnect href=>
<link rel=preconnect href=>
<link rel=preconnect href= crossorigin>
<link rel=preconnect href=>
<link rel=preconnect href=>

This feels comfortable! The browser naturally opened five connections, so I’m happy to see that we’ve also landed on five preconnects; nothing is unaccounted for.

Sec-* Request Headers

I’d recommend familiarising yourself with the entire suite of Sec-* headers—they’re incredibly useful debugging tools.

preconnect and DNS

Because DNS is simply IP resolution, it is unaffected by anything CORS-related. This means that:

  1. If you have mistakenly configured your preconnects to use or omit crossorigin when you should have actually omitted or used crossorigin, the DNS step can still be reused—only the TCP and TLS need discarding and doing again. That said, DNS is usually—by far—the fastest part of the process anyway, so speeding it up while missing out on TCP and TLS isn’t much of an optimisation to celebrate.
  2. If you have everything configured correctly, or you aren’t using preconnect at all, you’ll actually see the browser reusing the DNS resolution for a subsequent request that needs a different CORS mode. If you zoom right in on this abridged waterfall, you’ll see that the second CORS-enabled request to doesn’t incur any DNS at all:

By Harry Roberts

Harry Roberts is an independent consultant web performance engineer. He helps companies of all shapes and sizes find and fix site speed issues.

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Hi there, I’m Harry Roberts. I am an award-winning Consultant Web Performance Engineer, designer, developer, writer, and speaker from the UK. I write, Tweet, speak, and share code about measuring and improving site-speed. You should hire me.

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